Maximising the power of paid social media | Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)


The RNIB's social media team were developing several large-scale projects with paid social media at their heart.

The team required someone to join the team on a three-month basis to support developing strategy, managing campaign delivery and finding innovative ways to optimise paid campaign performance.

This involved working with a vast number of teams across the organisation, including:

  • Brand

  • Fundraising (Individual Giving, Legacies and Challenge Events)

  • Marketing

  • Business Services


I was integrated into RNIB's social media team, holding accountability for all paid social media activity.

During my tenure, I worked with stakeholders to:

  • Identify and engage new audiences to take part in RNIB's challenge events

  • Enable new approaches to advertising creatives for the RNIB Shop and its legacies offer

  • Revitalise the organisation's approach to social media reporting and campaign analysis

  • Find opportunities to expand RNIB's brand both online and offline

During the three months I worked within the team:


growth in the number of leads generated for its Legacies offer


growth in ROI for the RNIB Shop across social media


registrations for open Challenge events (e.g. marathons, skydiving)